Season’s change and so do we. Sometimes that leads to changes in the atmosphere, the environment and creates a certain influence on our bodies. You can easily notice that recently, the number of people suffering from colds and sore throats is gradually increasing.
Enjoy the season’s change and fear not as AMEFLU Daytime + C is here! With the addition of Vitamin C, the product provides a multi-component solution to effectively treat multiple symptoms of colds and flu and help patients recover quickly and become healthy.
Along with cold and flu symptoms the common complaint is sore throat and irritation during such times, STAR Sore Throat is the answer with a unique 3-in-1 formula including antibiotic, antiseptic and pain reliever, STAR Sore Throat will help you relieve from pain, inflammation, and hoarseness.
And don’t forget to bring AMEFLU and STAR with you for long trips as your traveling companion! For bacterial and viral infections, the combination of Ameflu and Star helps to recover faster.