Travel Companionship Continues With Ameflu
Personally, I’d never be content just being an office bound Media Planner, Screenwriter or Producer. I love the buzz of working with a fab gang of people, mucking in as part of the crew & helping bring written characters & scenarios to life.
And all of this is possible when you have a clear communication message, solid positioning statement and the team to breath the same breath with you to bring that to LIFE.
Ameflu Booth Games a new concept, where the participants/gamers who are pharmacists, Doctors, Professionals, Consumers learn about the product benefits and can try the samples while engaging in a playful manner. Ameflu, With Vitamin C is a product that gives instant remedy from Cold and Flu, relieves pain, reduces fever, is an expectorant and a cough suppressant; clears blocked nose and nasal decongestant.
It helps you to be fit and enjoy every travel and season if you have this as your travel companion in your travel bag.
Our customers can easily recognize and enjoy AMEFLU TVC that are being shown on national broadcasters, especially between the semi-finals and finals of WORLD CUP 2022. Hope this TVC will bring viewers a lot of useful information about the flu product Ameflu, a product that RV Group is always proud to bring to users a solution to treat colds, headaches, sneezes, sore throats, and stuffy nose, effective body aches and help the sick get over the flu quickly and stay healthy!